Join Us
Benefits of membership include:
- Access to information and resources about IPE/IPP in the State of Ohio and beyond through emails and our Basecamp link.
- Networking opportunities.
- Discounted registration for our Annual Meeting.
- Ability to serve on an OIC committee.
- Annual membership dues are $50 (plus a $2 processing fee) and the term is from July 1 to June 30.
- Please consider joining us at the following link.
- There is also an opportunity for an institution to pay for a bundle of multiple memberships, which will also include advertising on our website and marketing materials. Rates are as follows:
- $500 for 4 individual members from the institution
- $1000 for 8 members from the institution
- $2400 for unlimited members from the institution
- For more information about institutional bundling, please contact Kat Tromp at